
A curiosity shop is a place of odds and ends in a wide range of categories. One never knows what one will find on any visit, and that is the goal of this blog. Here you'll find postings on doings around Easton, the world's environment, history, recipes, fly fishing, books, music, and movies with many other things thrown in as well. Hope you enjoy it and keep coming back.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Character Study

I got to here Mitt Romney and Sal DiMasi in a single day. I was chaperoning a couple of students to Student Government Day, and the Governor made a rare appearance to talk to the students. That's not a criticism of Mitt-he showed up, most governors don't. He wasn't running for President then and gave a great speech about his Olympic experience and the need to get involved. He was sincere, focused, and interesting. I keep hoping to see that Mitt on the campaign trail, but I guess his desire to get elected and his political consultants have banished that man forever.

Sal DiMasi was a total ass. Addressing the students in the House Chamber, he came across as a total thug reveling in the power of the speaker's office and telling students how great he was. This from an idiot who is hopefully going to be convicted because he was too dumb not to call his co-conspirators on the day his corruption story broke. How many crooked speakers in a row is this? Why aren't we standing on street corners with petitions to amend the state constitution to limit the power of the Speaker?

Wake Forest University has established a special program for character study. The program takes a cross disciplinary view, and the website has a plethora of articles and information. They are even sponsoring an essay contest to explain character studies to laymen. The goals page of the project raises five interesting questions. Check it out if you have a philosophical turn of mind.

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